Information for Authors
- Abstract maximum length is 350 words
- Keywords – please enter up to eight (8) keywords
- Manuscript maximum length is 10,000 words EXCLUDING abstract and references
- Word and LaTeX templates coming soon
- Review the Scope and Aims of the journal here
Formatting Requirements
Please use JAPR’s Word or LaTeX template:
- LaTeX users – JAPR’s template is for the front page and main headings only, leaving you the flexibility to write your own paper in LaTeX.
- You may send the LaTeX compiled PDF without using the template – we will add a cover page.
- Include names, affiliations, contact details and ORCID ID of all authors on the title page.
- Use Australian, British or North American English consistently throughout.
- Papers must meet established academic standards of written English language. Please utilise the resources provided by your University’s academic literacy programs. High quality early work, such as research proposals, literature reviews and discussions or debates concerning theory are welcome. Sub-standard work will be returned for re-working with the first author’s Supervisory panel.
- Papers must be free from typographical or grammatical errors.
- Use Arial 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, standard (2.54 cm) margins, left and right justified.
- Up to three levels of headings are allowable and must be formatted consistently throughout the paper. Numbering of sections and headings is allowable if that suits the structure of the paper and is of assistance to readers.
- Paper sections are to follow standard format – Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion (IMRaD), with a short Conclusion. Headings in qualitative papers may vary, e.g. Interpretative analysis rather than Results, and may be combined with the Discussion section. For guidance on the layout of qualitative papers we recommend Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2013), Successful Qualitative Research, London, Sage; and Savin-Baden, M. & Major, C.H. (2013), Qualitative Research, Abingdon, Routledge.
- Figures and Tables – embed figures and tables in the correct position in the manuscript with reference to them in the text of the article. Tables need a heading and figures require a caption below the figure.
- References – authors may use either author-date (such as APA7) or numeric (such as Vancouver) styles as long as their referencing is complete and consistent within their document.
- Footnotes are allowable, but must not be excessive in number.
Immediately above the Reference list include the following:
- Acknowledgements (optional)
- Conflict of interest statement
- Funding statement
- Statement of peer-review by two reviewers*
- Ethics approval statement
* Declaration form must be attached as a separate document (see website link) with the submission
Declaration of Peer Review
Authors must complete the ERS JAPR Declaration form at the time of submission.
Submit your ready-to-publish paper in both PDF and Word formats using the Article Submission Form. The three step form includes all necessary information related to the authors and article. All fields marked * are mandatory.
Your payment must accompany submission. This will be held in our Trust account until your paper is published on the Journal’s web pages. The payment details will also be available after you have completed the submission form.
You can make your payment via Bank Transfer using our PayID.
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Engine Room Solutions will not process any submissions until payment is made into the Trust Account.