About the Journal

Engine Room Solutions’ Journal of Australian Postgraduate Research (JAPR), changes the way postgraduate research is published.

Innovation in publication reform begins here!

View and Download the Introduction to JAPR.


The aim of the journal is to provide a rapid, rigorous and consistent publication pathway for Higher Degree Research Candidates (HDR candidates include Honours, Masters and Doctoral students) at Australian tertiary institutions.


Engine Room Solutions JAPR publishes papers in all disciplines and cross-disciplinary areas. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods papers are equally welcome.

JAPR – A New Way to Achieve Early Publication for HDR Students

The lengthy submission and review processes of many journals often thwart higher degree research (HDR) candidates in meeting the publishing requirements of their degrees within the timeframe for which they are funded. This is particularly applicable to a PhD by papers, commonly called PhD by publication – an increasingly popular PhD pathway because it provides HDRs with practical experience in the requirements of writing academic journal articles and disseminates the research in a timely manner. Publishing also assures HDR candidates of the rigour and quality of their writing in that peer-review happens along the way, rather than at the end of the arduous road of a traditional thesis. JAPR thus provides HDR candidates with the opportunity to establish a publication profile early in their careers.

Why Publish with Engine Room Solutions JAPR?

The key difference Engine Room Solutions’ JAPR brings to publication of HDR candidates’ academic papers is that we shift the requirement for peer-review to the Honours, Graduate Diploma, Masters and Doctoral candidate and their Supervisors, thereby involving the candidate and their University more directly and powerfully in the publishing process.

The journal is open access and low cost, and once published on the ERS JAPR website the paper can be lodged with the research repository at the student’s university. Authors retain Copyright and grant ERS JAPR right of first publication under Creative Commons Attribution Licence, allowing others to share the work while acknowledging authorship and the work’s first publication in ERS JAPR.

Rigour in Peer Review

Our requirements for achieving rigorous peer-review are strict to ensure the integrity of the journal.

  • The student must be the first author.
  • One member of the Supervisory panel who is not an author on the paper must review and approve the paper for publication.
  • A second reviewer with a publication history in the candidate’s field of research must be sought by the student and/or their Supervisory panel (and be approved by the Supervisory panel) to review and approve the paper for publication. The second reviewer need not be from the same institution.


Engine Room Solutions’ publication costs are kept as low as possible.

Rates are:

Honours Students


Graduate Diploma Students


Masters Students


Doctoral Candidates


PAYMENT must accompany the submission and is held in our Trust account until the publication date.